Friday, August 20, 2010

GPS in Land Surveying

Land surveyors once used things such as tape measures and transits to measure distances and positions. Nowadays they do not go through much trouble with that, because a new technology by the name GPS (Global Positioning System) was introduced making their work much easier.
These days land surveyors use GPS to note exact coordinates spatial locations. The benefit of the surveyors using the GPS is that it is more accurate than hand measuring these locations because in hand measurements there are many human errors as compared to when a GPS has been put to use in this field, meaning GPS allows much more precise measurements. ( )

One off the other benefits which have been established with the use of the GPS as a land surveyor is that the coordinates can be located precisely, while other methods rely on measurements from other known locations such as the corner of a house for example, and these locations can change at any period or over time, such as if a house is torn down or another obstacle is built between the structure and the measured structure and the measured point, even a surveyors stake may be removed before the land is re-surveyed. The coordinates of a given location on earth however remains the same. Therefore the use of a GPS as a land surveyor produces accurate measurements no matter what happens to the surrounding land.

Iner, C 2005. Land Surveying and GPS [ONLINE]. Available from :< > [ Accessed 17 August 2010]

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